
Athlete Of Life (12 Week High Performance Coaching Program)

"Embrace the questionnaire; it's your compass to success! 🌟

Taking this questionnaire isn't just a step; it's a leap toward your healthier, happiest and fitness journey. It helps us understand your unique needs, goals, and preferences. Think of it as a roadmap, guiding you to the perfect program and trainer tailored just for you. πŸ—ΊοΈ

By investing your time in this assessment, you're investing in yourself. You're saying 'yes' to a healthier, stronger, and happier you.

Let's embark on this transformational adventure together! πŸ’ͺπŸŒ„"

"Get Started by Clicking the Button Below!"


Please answer the questions below to determine suitability of this course for you.

Are you ready?

Question 2 of 14

Are you male or female?





Question 3 of 14

How young are you?

(Select all that apply)



25 - 34


35 - 45


46 +

Question 4 of 14

What specific goals are you looking to achieve through this program, and why are they important to you?

Question 5 of 14

Can you describe your current daily routine, including your diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle habits?

Question 6 of 14

Have you previously participated in any personal development or wellness programs? If so, what were your experiences and outcomes?

Question 7 of 14

How do you typically handle challenges and setbacks in your life, and what strategies do you use for personal growth?

Question 8 of 14

Are you committed to making positive changes in your life, even if it requires stepping out of your comfort zone?

Question 9 of 14

On a scale of 1 to 10, how motivated are you to invest time and effort into your personal development and well-being?

Question 10 of 14

Are you open to trying new approaches and techniques for personal growth, even if they may seem unconventional?

Question 11 of 14

Can you commit to the duration of this program (100 days) and actively participate in the activities and coaching sessions?

Question 12 of 14

What does success look like to you in terms of your personal development and well-being, and how do you envision your life after completing this program?

Question 13 of 14

How much did you spend on Personal Development in the last 12 months?








ZAR. 20.000

Question 14 of 14

Contact Number

Confirm and Submit