Dream Body Fitness

10 Rules That Govern My Life

#goals #purposefulllive Jul 24, 2022

10 Rules That I Live By And Totally Changed My Life

We often forget how little things impact our lives; it’s truly said that every phase of your life demands a different you. Therefore, shedding the layers of your old self and evolving with time is so important.

Nothing is going to cause you more pain than being stuck in an old phase of your life. It’s important to know what phase of your life that you are in it, so that you don’t end up wasting it, and abusing yourself.

Constantly changing life events and experiences help our body and soul to grow.

There are a few rules I followed in my life that helped me with everything from fitness, career goals, and relationships, to my mental health. They might help you as well. so, let’s dive in

Here are the top 10 rules that changed my life

  1. It’s better to be an hour early than to be a minute late —

Back in my youth, I was chronologically late to everything from classes to birthday parties, and sometimes even on important days like exams.

I knew at the back of my mind that reaching on time is important, but it never bothered me until I had the realization that reaching late means that you don’t respect people’s time, or you aren’t reliable enough, this made me change the way I looked at the time.

I now leave early calculating the time required to reach using google maps plus some buffer time (for the unexpected things that may come your way)

  1. Calling people by their first name during the conversation —

I don’t know about you, but I find this small tip fascinating. There is no better song to the majority ears than their own name.

People like to hear their names. They hear you more attentively and are hooked to the conversation. This tiny tip helped me have better conversations and build stronger relationships.

Try it for yourself and see the change.

  1. Action precedes motivation —

A little step towards your goal is far better than sitting and waiting for the motivation to strike. As author, Dr. Robert McCain says “The common misconception is that motivation leads to action but the reverse is true “action proceeds motivation”.

You can wait around to get motivated or get moving. It’s simple, let me explain. If you want to read a book w/o procrastinating for days in a row allow yourself to indulge for 5mins. you will see yourself reading a few pages. The same applies to everything you do.

  1. Saying No to caffeine first thing in the morning —

You must have heard the concept of caffein first thing in the morning to power your day.

I now start my mornings with lukewarm water and my health has improved significantly, I feel more energetic throughout the day.

  1. It’s Never Too Late To Set New Goals

I believe as long as you keep learning from your failures, and continuously work in the direction of your goals. you can achieve anything. There is no time frame for you to be successful.

 Love what you are doing until you find what you love.

  1. Be A Lifetime Student —

Staying hungry for knowledge and learning new things every day with openness transformed my life.

You know when you have a mindset of “I know everything” and get comfortable with it. That’s where your downfall starts. Accepting the fact that you don’t know will open new doors of opportunities for you.

You learn from people around you; I stay attentive during conversations (of course not in the gossip) and try to find if the other person has something valuable to share and don’t mind noting it in my phone or a diary.

  1. Success Loves Inconvenience —

Doing something new, different from your usual stuff.

It can be solo traveling, hiking, striking conversation with complete strangers, or starting a side hustle, by doing this you constantly challenge your identity and belief, forcing yourself to be what you are not, and, in that stage, you get to know a lot about yourself. The idea is to break pre-existing notions about yourself.

  1. Your Life Is Your Responsibility—

I started taking charge of my life and saw a tremendous change – self ownership.

A little mindset shift had a huge impact on my life, change happens when you go from being a victim of your circumstances to taking action towards the life you want. I know I am the creator of my reality. I have stopped lying to myself, stopped the negative self-talk, and most importantly stopped giving excuses.

  1. Your Health Is Your Biggest Asset —

Without health, your dreams are naked. They are exposed to delay, destruction, ill health, and negative self-talk. Your health is your life insurance policy against all this.

So, instead of forcing myself 100% of the time and being agitated, I found doing things in moderation helpful. I am not obsessed with exercise and nutrition like my bodybuilding days. I allow myself leeway to enjoy life and food.

  1. Just Be Nice

Everyone has their own share of problems; nobody has a perfect life. we never really know what the other person is going through. being rude and judgemental can only add to their suffering.

So, you should give grace freely and openly.

Happy Reading!

Hey, let’s connect on my channel and remember to subscribe - https://bit.ly/3cGP8X3



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