Dream Body Fitness

5 steps to end laziness

excuses high performance procrastination Mar 23, 2022

5 Ways to Stop Being Lazy


People make a lot of excuses to justify their laziness, but there are no valid excuses.

There is always something you can be doing. Even if it means simply making the decision to ignore distractions and focus your attention on one single task. Sometimes laziness happens when you don’t want to face something. A lack of passion for your job, an overwhelming to-do list, and even an underlying medical condition are just some of the things that can interfere with your desire to get things done.

But that’s no excuse. You have to find the will to get up and get moving. And once you do, it will become more and more easier to break the cycle of laziness.

Laziness is just another form of procrastination because you know deep down that whatever you’re avoiding will be worth it in the end, and if not now then most likely tomorrow.

That’s just how productivity and human psychology works.

So here are 5 ways to stop being lazy:

  1. Decide what you want more — Being Lazy or Productive?

If you want anything at all in life, you must be productive. Being lazy will not get you very far. You need to be constantly doing something even if it is small, to make progress. On the other hand, productive people are not necessarily always working hard. They know how to take breaks and enjoy their free time, but they also make sure that they use that time efficiently. So, ask yourself, what do you want more?

  1. Set some Goals

This is related to the first point. Having goals gives you something to be productive towards. Without them, it’s just easy to lose motivation and become lazy. When you have specific goals in mind, it makes it easier to focus your energy on achieving them.

  1. Stop saying ‘I can’t do that’

Do you often say things like “Oh I could never do that!” or “I’m not good at that”? That will only hold you back from being the best version of yourself possible. The chances are, if it’s a skill, profession, or career that you’re interested in, somebody has done it before, and you can too. It just takes practice and effort.

  1. Get an Accountability Partner

This is someone who you can rely on to keep you on track. Somebody who will push you to do your best and be there to support you when things get tough. They don’t even have to be in the same room. Having an accountability partner is great for keeping yourself focussed on your goals!

  1. Start Small

One of the main reasons people are lazy is because they don’t want to put in too much effort before seeing any results, so they never even get started. But there’s no need to overcomplicate things. Just start off with something small that you know you can do, and then gradually increase the difficulty as you go along.

So there you have it — 5 ways to stop being lazy!

It’s not going to be easy, but nothing worth having ever is.

And remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. So, take things day-by-day and enjoy the journey.



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