Dream Body Fitness

7 weight-loss secrets for women Flaws Exposed

Mar 02, 2022

7 weight-loss secrets for women Flaws Exposed


  • Have you tried losing weight and ended up gaining some of it back or perhaps even more in the long term?
  • Are you frustrated with this to-and-fro (weight loss and subsequent gain) Karma cycle?
  • Do you end up overindulging almost always when trying to restrict yourself?
  • Has your weight and the innumerable associated issues & failures led to a diminished self-esteem and confidence?
  • Are you sick of your trainer saying, “You’ve Got to Suffer” and all preach rap to the point that you want to kick him in the butt?

If the answer to any of the questions above is a yes, just sit back and take a deep breath, you are not alone. It’s understandable if you are already furious and think this is just another cliched useless article, you are free to have your opinion, but it might just be a good idea to invest 5 minutes of your life and see if anything changes:

Step 1-Let Go Off Your Past


Whether you’ve succeeded in the past or failed, i would recommend letting go off the pressure right here right now.

Since we need to change fundamentally and learn a new sustainable weight-management method, we need a wiped out shiny clean slate for that. Let go off all the past burden, beliefs and biases and set yourself free. Just remember that everything from now on is ‘Unwritten’ (it’s time to move on).

You are a product of the past, but don’t be a prisoner to it. Only you have the keys to let yourself out of the cell you have locked yourself in.

Step 2- Take Charge



Accepting responsibility for our problems is the first step to solving them. Taking responsibility for our problems is important because that’s where real learning comes from.

Also, instead of blaming the dietician or your trainer, taking charge is also essential because passively following someone else’s advice invokes the inbuilt rebellious response in you, thus putting you at a greater risk of wavering from your path. Our love for Autonomy is inherent. (Remember a kid always does what he is not allowed to do)

Step 3-Stop dieting

Isn’t it paradoxical that in a world where everybody recommends calorie restriction and following crazy diets as the only means for weight loss, I’m asking you to not diet?

Well, The Research shows that 9 out of 10 people end up gaining back the lost weight and usually become fatter than they originally were. There are two primary reasons why these issues are rarely addressed:

  • The Diet industry is concerned about the cash inflow and not about your health. So, they invariably bring up lucrative weight loss offers and plans which are useful for nothing but their bank vaults
  • Our bodies have evolved to conserve food and the more we restrict it, the harder it fights back. No matter how much will power or Motivation you have, you can’t fight back the natural mechanism which evolved over billions of years.
  • Many of the so-called diet foods are just marketing fads with added sugars. They may contain some healthy ingredients, but that is usually in addition to a plethora of unhealthy ones.

Step 4-Sateity and Sustainability-The Secret Mantras

What happens when you semi-starve yourself and try out the green juices and weight loss drinks?

 Well, most often than not you end up eating more and breaking the diet
Do you know the reason behind this?

Carbohydrates and Fats have been known to humanity since times immemorial, so why the obesity epidemic is skyrocketing despite introduction of so many diets and diet plans in a seemingly conscious society?

The answer is simple-These diets are either unfulfilling or unsustainable. They keep us hungry all the time. Till the time you are satisfied, there is little chance that you are going to stick with it in the long term. Moreover, it decreases your concentration and makes you all the grumpier (a hungry man is an angry man)

Did I Eat That? (d.i.e.t)

Step 5-Artificial sweeteners? Nahh!


This one sounds a bit tricky but research the internet and you’ll find sufficient data in support of the above mentioned statement
First let’s talk about artificial sweeteners;

Our food is naturally rewarded at two levels: -

  1. At the sensory level, food is rewarded via the taste sensors in the mouth (ahh!! sweet).Of course the sight, texture etc also play a major role.
  2. But the 2nd reward is at the nutritive level in the gut, and here lies the problem with artificial sweeteners’ only they fool the body at the sensory level by possessing similar texture and taste, they also try to trick the body at the gut level. But when we leave the body empty handed and no nutrient/energy extraction happens at the gut level, it fights back strongly with even more craving….

Step 6-No skimmed milk


In recent years, the recommendation of eating low fat dairy products has been called into question. High Fat Dairy was once considered due to its saturated fat content, but the recent research does not support this recommendation.

Drinking whole milk may actually help you manage your weight because whole Milk is very satiating, not to mention the vital nutrients it possesses, most importantly Omega-3 Fatty acids, which aid in weight loss. Skimming skims not only fat, but vital nutrients too

Step-6 Stop counting calories

Ever wondered how a billion yearlong complex process can be explained by mere numbers?
Calorie counting is a very superficial way of finding the right foods for yourself. A 100 gram of processed chocolate cookies with added sugar has around 550 calories whereas the same quantity of almonds contains 700.

Does this mean that chocolate cookies are better than almonds? Hell no!!

High Fat Foods such as almonds, peanuts and avocados actually aid in weight loss

Good or Bad Calories matter more than calorie count

Step-7 Avoid processed foods


The food industry, as previously mentioned has only one top priority- PROFIT for them. POOR health for you.

 Your health is not even on their priority list. They make food hyper-palatable by adding a number of artificial flavours,sugars,salt and fat. Even if the calorie content matches that of whole foods, the processed food is known to generate inflammatory responses in the gut which further leads to leptin (hormone responsible for making us feel full or satiated) resistance.

Weight loss journey must be subtle for it to be sustainable. Try a quick-fix and you’ll fail almost invariably.




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