Dream Body Fitness

Are you a villain or hero?

#forgiveness #peaceofmind #selflove Mar 30, 2022

Are you a hero or villain?


To someone, you’re everything.

To another, you’re nothing.

Someone thinks you’re their savior,

Yet someone else thinks you’re a villain.

One day you’re amazing,

Another day you’re just trying to survive.

For every person who’s heart you made skip a beat,

Yet there are so many others who’s heart you’ve broken.

There are people you’ve helped along the way,

Yet others whom you’ve hurt just the same.

In trying to please everyone,

The one that really hurts is you.

Life continues to be a balance of trying to be fair to all while still holding some semblance of who you are and who you still want to be.

The search for happiness is a tricky one, filled with pitfalls and mental rabbit holes that run deep…

Yet in it we must navigate them in order to gain experience.

Sometimes the wisdom you gain comes from the unfortunate circumstances you had to face and learn, while the emotional casualties you leave behind are a painful reminder of growth.

For every person you are positive to…remember there will always an opposite, and those will be the ones you’ll have to accept as you move along in life. For those that call me a monster, thank you for being my spiritual teachers.

I have learned to be better from the pain I caused you, forgive me but sorry I have moved on.

 Please do the same.



What is the 42-Day From Powerless To Powerful Challenge?


The Challenge is a hardcore performance acceleration program designed with one purpose in mind— to provide you with the growth hacking tools and execution strategies you need to transform your life and health in just 30 days.

Built to operate with blistering speed and relentless execution...this extreme, beast of a performance challenge is meant for serious people and organizations who crave serious results—fast. If you're okay with average, this program will eat you for lunch.

Whatever big goal or crazy dream you're pursuing...driving sales, running a marathon, writing a book, climbing a mountain or even paying off your mortgage...you'll get it faster by taking the Challenge, as it is guaranteed to double up your physical energy. Life without passion is dead life and there is no passion without energy.

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