Dream Body Fitness

The Truth Shall Se You Free But It Will Piss You Off First

#forgiveness #goals #purpose #womanofgod Jul 13, 2022

TheTruth Shall Set You Free But It Will Piss You Off First.

You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.

Change is hard. It’s so hard that most of us avoid it at all costs, regardless of how unhappy or unfulfilled we feel.

More often than not, we’re so skilled at avoiding change that we do it unconsciously. We come up with every possible excuse for our behavior, and we replicate the same patterns over and over again with no awareness of what we’re actually doing.

This self-sabotage process is why we stay stuck in the same situations for years. It’s why we keep eating processed foods even when we want to lose weight, and it’s why we keep having unhealthy relationships even when we know how unhealthy they are.

The good news is that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel, but only if you have a tunnel and that tunnel is GOD.

Here’s what I learned about true, long-lasting change.

Every Transformation Starts With Inner Work

Inner work is the process of getting to know yourself and letting go of all the attachments and subconscious patterns that are causing you to sabotage your own happiness.

When you turn inward and start questioning your personality, you’re able to identify your fears, beliefs, and insecurities. This gives you the power to change what you need to change and create healthier ways of being.

The thing is: doing the inner work is not only uncomfortable, but terrifying. It forces you to reconnect with hidden memories and feelings that you had buried a long time ago.

And most importantly, it forces you to be really, really honest with yourself:

  • What’s holding you back?
  • On a subconscious level, do you believe you’re capable of reaching your goal? Do you believe the transformation you’re seeking is possible, or have you lost faith in yourself?
  • Do you feel unworthy of love/health/success? Why?
  • Who has a negative effect on your well-being, and why? Do they invalidate/manipulate you? Do they disrespect your boundaries?
  • How can you set and keep your personal boundaries? How can you meet your own needs?

Your new life is going to cost you your old one. It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction. It’s going to cost you relationships and friends. It’s going to cost you being liked and understood. But it doesn’t matter. Because the people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side. And you’re going to build a new comfort zone around the things that actually move you forward. And instead of like, you’re going to be loved. Instead of understanding, you’re going to be seen. All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are. Let it go.”

Brianna Wiest

You Have To Believe In Yourself When No One Else Does

This is one of the most challenging, yet powerful lessons you’ll ever learn.

People love to tell you what you should and shouldn’t want. Sometimes, when you listen to them long enough, you end up silencing your intuition or, even worse, believing your intuition agrees with them — when deep down you know exactly what your ambitions are.

Five  years ago, when I told my friends, clients and family I’d start writing online, and that my intention was to make a full-time income, they acted like I was crazy.

“That’s not stable. You need to find a real job.”

“There are thousands of people out there who’d love to do the same thing. You’ll be just another aspiring writer among so many others.”

Had I listened to them, I would have never even tried. But I was determined, and I kept going despite their lack of support.

And here I am, making a full-time income writing, just like I had planned.

Now, I can’t help but wonder: how many people stay stuck for years or lifetimes because they don’t want to upset or disappoint anyone?

How many people live unfulfilling lives because they simply can’t say no to the demands and expectations of others?

You Have To Take Radical Responsibility For Your Life

We often make up excuses and blame others for our reality. We get caught in the idea that if we just got rid of some issues, altered some circumstances, or changed some specific situations in our lives, then and only then, we’d finally be able to find some peace and be truly happy.

But the truth is, this is a victim mentality.

You don’t have to be stuck in your circumstances. You can choose to take your power back and become the creator of your life.

By taking responsibility rather than blaming and letting your life be determined by everything external, you step into the main character of your movie, and the driver of your car.

“The circumstances of our lives, especially when they seem stressful or intense (as is the case for many people I know and work with these days), do have an impact on us, for sure. However, all too often, we give away our power to these circumstances and situations. We act as though it’s a foregone conclusion that we will feel a certain way, based on specific circumstances like the economy, the weather, our health, our level of activity, the state of our romantic relationship or lack thereof, the behavior of our children, our families, the state of our career or business or our environment at work.”

Mike Robbins, in It’s Not The Circumstances, It’s You

Change is not easy.

It will cost you friendships, relationships, and your comfort zone. You’ll have to overcome several obstacles, and you’ll probably realize that many of them were created by you.

But you’ll feel a sense of peace that you’ve never felt before. And, at the end of the day, all that matters is what’s true for you.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed reading this article and want to get unlimited access to my content (which includes many other articles on relationships & attachment styles), consider joining my platforms on YouTube - https://youtu.be/I1LkOy3zGsw



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