Dream Body Fitness

Why are you fighting life?

May 24, 2022


Look… you don’t have to overthink!

So up until this point I, on my self-improvement blog, have always said that life is complicated. And I still stand by that. This blog isn’t about people who are already on their self-improvement journey. This is a blog for people who don’t know how to start or have not started.

Everyone has their problems. Some might have more significant problems, some might have small problems.

One problem most people have, regardless of any outside factor, is that they overcomplicate these problems. Or they might overthink and make it worse for themselves. Now every problem is different, I can’t cover every possible thing. What I will do on this blog is to oversimplify self-improvement for you to get started.

  1. If you want to change your mood — Exercise. Exercise is proven to change your mood, short and long term. A lot of people exercise to get stronger or look better. If those aren’t important to you, you can do a small( easy) exercise just to feel better. You don’t have to do the hardest things!
  2. If you want to be calmer — Meditate. Meditation is something I’ve talked about before. I don’t think I have to prove that meditating makes you calmer. That’s a fact. So if you’re stressed, sit your butt down and Meditate!
  3. If you want to understand yourself — Journal.Journaling, again I’ve talked about time and time. Now journaling can also make you calmer, but meditating will take that spot in this blog. Journaling your day/experiences is a VERY good way to understand yourself, journaling about ideas will make you smarter. You choose what you want to do!
  4. If you want to understand the world — Read.Reading, non-science-fiction is very important if you want to get smarter. You don’t have to read math/science books, just read something which has a good topic that interests you!
  5. If you want to see progress/growth — Be Consistent. I don’t need to say anything here : )



What is the 42-Day From Powerless To Powerful Challenge?


The Challenge is a hardcore performance acceleration program designed with one purpose in mind— to provide you with the growth hacking tools and execution strategies you need to transform your life and health in just 30 days.

Built to operate with blistering speed and relentless execution...this extreme, beast of a performance challenge is meant for serious people and organizations who crave serious results—fast. If you're okay with average, this program will eat you for lunch.

Whatever big goal or crazy dream you're pursuing...driving sales, running a marathon, writing a book, climbing a mountain or even paying off your mortgage...you'll get it faster by taking the Challenge, as it is guaranteed to double up your physical energy. Life without passion is dead life and there is no passion without energy.

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